By using the komoot app for Garmin you have the option to transfer your komoot Tours within seconds to all your Garmin smartwatches or cycling computers, which are supported to use the komoot app. You can do so directly from the Route planner, from planned and completed Tours or even from ready-made routes that you find in the Routes section.

Furthermore, it is possible to update your running Tour via the komoot app on your phone and share the navigation instructions on the go. Updating the Tour is currently only possible by using the komoot navigation, not by using the native Garmin navigation.

 Note: The requirement to share Tour updates, is to use the komoot navigation interface. Find out which devices are compatible with the komoot app for Garmin and which allow navigating with the komoot navigation: Garmin devices compatible with komoot.

 Attention: In case your device doesn't support the komoot app for Garmin, refer to this article


Before sending Tours to your device, the following requirements must be matched:

  • The komoot app for Garmin must be installed and logged into. 
  • Using the komoot app for Garmin version 3.6.4 or newer.
  • Have the latest firmware (with Connect IQ Version at least 3.0.0) on the device.
  • The device needs to be online.
    • Watches: Connected over Bluetooth to a phone with the Garmin Connect app installed.
    • Cycling computers: Can be either connected over Bluetooth to a phone with the Garmin Connect app installed or use the device WiFi.

Send Tours to device(s)

You can send Tours to your Garmin device either by the Android or iOS app or via the browser version. The option "Send to device" is available from the Route planner, the Tour profile page of planned and completed Tours and ready-made routes.

EN_Send_to_device_Garmin.pngFrom the Tour profile page of planned and completed Tours or ready-made routes, follow these instructions to send a Tour to Garmin. 
  1. Choose the Tour you want to send to your Garmin device(s).
  2. Click Send to Device ().
  3. Select Garmin.
  4. Open the komoot app for Garmin on your device.EN_Edge-Live_sync_receive_and_start.jpg
  5. Depending on your device, click Open or confirm with the tick-icon () on the device.

This will open the Tour detail page on the device and the Tour is downloaded offline to the device. You could disconnect your device from your phone at this stage. Tapping on Start will start the navigation. If you have the komoot app for Garmin installed on multiple devices, the Tour will be sent to all of those devices.

From the Tour profile page of planned and completed Tours or ready-made routes, follow these instructions to send a Tour to Garmin. 

  1. Choose the Tour you want to send to your Garmin device(s).
  2. Click Send to Device ().
  3. Select Garmin.EN_ios-Live_sync_tour_profile.jpg
  4. Open the komoot app for Garmin on your device.EN_Edge-Live_sync_receive_and_start.jpg
  5. Depending on your device, click Open or confirm with the tick-icon () on the device.

This will open the Tour detail page and the Tour is downloaded offline to the device. You could disconnect your device from your phone at this stage. Tapping on Start will start the navigation. If you have the komoot app for Garmin installed on multiple devices, the Tour will be sent to all of those devices.

 Note: Ensure to have the komoot app for Garmin open to easily access the Tour. In case the komoot app for Garmin is closed, you should receive a notification to launch komoot to receive the Tour.   

Update Tours during navigation

You can replan a running Tour via the komoot app on your phone or on the browser version and share the new navigation instructions with your Garmin device. The update of a running navigation is only possible by using the komoot navigation via the komoot app on the Garmin.

  1. Change your Tour via the app or on the Route planner on the Website.
  2. Click Send to Device ().
  3. Select Garmin.EN_ios-Live_sync_tour_profile.jpg
  4. Open the komoot app for Garmin on your device.
  5. You find the dialog "Tour received. Update navigation?"EN_Edge-Live_sync_update.jpg
  6. Click Update.

The running navigation will be replaced and the Tour and the navigation instructions updated. 


I sent a Tour but the device does not receive it

Tip: If you intend to use the "Send to Device" feature as your primary method of transferring Tours to your Garmin device(s), we recommend disabling the Course synchronization to ensure only the selected Tours get transferred. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to deactivate it.

I'm receiving an error message indicating that the komoot app is not installed on my Garmin device.

Make sure that the komoot app is installed on your Garmin device (this Garmin article explains how to do it). If the komoot app is already installed on your Garmin device and you're still getting the error message, ensure that your Garmin account is linked to the correct komoot account. This article provides detailed instructions on how to do that.

What if I have more than one device connected

The Tour will be sent to all your devices that have the komoot app for Garmin installed and meet the requirements above.

I don't see the updated Tour on my device

In case you didn’t receive a notification about receiving or updating your komoot Tour, open the komoot app on your Garmin and accept the Tour from there. Make sure you allow notifications. When smartwatch are in battery saver mode or don't have enough memory, the notification may not be displayed.

 Note: Check if your device is connected to the internet and if the latest komoot app for Garmin is installed. 

I can't select a device to connect

In case you can't select "Garmin" as displayed in the above mention steps, please ensure:

How do I update a Tour on my Garmin device if it doesn't support the komoot app for Garmin?

To update a Tour on a Garmin device without komoot app support:

  1. End the current navigation on your Garmin device.
  2. Open the komoot app on your smartphone.
  3. Make the necessary changes to your Tour.
  4. Save the updated route.
  5. Open the updated Tour as a new navigation on your Garmin device through the komoot app.
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