Request: Tour Story on iOS
The komoot app on Android offers a Tour Story feature, that allows you to create a video summary of your Tours, which you can then use to share your adventures with your friends and family. It would be great if this feature was also available in the iOS app.
This feature currently exists only on the Android app, as it was developed a long time ago when we had extra resources available in our Android team but were unable to develop it at the same time on iOS.
We're always looking for ways to make it easier for people to share the Tours they do on komoot and the Tour Story is a great feature for that. Our current focus is on developing the core features of komoot and making them as great as they can be, such as planning, navigation, and recording. Our Product team is still investigating whether the Tour Story feature is one that we'll be able to invest more time into or not but we haven't come to a decision here yet.
The iPhone has its own feature built into the gallery, which can create videos from your pictures. You can then share these videos with your friends and family. More information about how to do that can be found in Apple's help documentation.
If you'd like to have the Tour overview included as well, the best option is to share your komoot Tour with a friend of yours who has an Android phone or log into your komoot profile on any Android phone that you have access to.
To create the Tour Story afterwards, you or your friend need to:
- Open the completed Tour on the Android phone
- Tap on the camera icon on the top
- Share the video via WhatsApp or another app, so you can also access it on your iPhone.
Tip: You can keep up to date with all recent komoot releases by checking out this page.
Articles in this section
- Request: Additional sports types for planning (horse riding, skiing, kayaking)
- Request: Heatmap or view of personal Tours on a map
- Request: Display calories and heart rate in komoot
- Request: Tour Story on iOS
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- Request: Folders to sort Tours
- Request: Sort and filter Collections in profile
- Request: Display maximum speed in completed Tours
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