Mention or tag users in comments
Share your experience or ask specific questions to certain users, directly in a Tour or Collection. To strengthen our community and facilitate the exchange, it is possible to mention other users in comments. Depending on the selected notification settings, mentioning a user will inform him/her about this comment.
Attention: The mentioned user will only be notified about the comment if the privacy settings of the Tour or Collection allows. Thus, the notification function won't work if a Tour/ Collection is set to private. The notifications only take effect if the settings do not exclude the user. Learn more about the privacy settings.
How can I mention a user?
In order to mention a user in a comment of a planned or completed Tour or a Collection, you simply need to type an @-symbol followed by the username – without a space – in the comment field. For example @komoot. You can mention several users in the same comment.
Tip: Tapping on the @ button will always suggest users that you can mention.
Who can I mention?
You can mention the following set of people:
- People you follow
- People who follow you
- People who are contributing to the thread you’re commenting on
- The author of the piece of content you’re commenting on
Note: Only users who have access to the content will receive a notification.
How do I find out if someone mentions me?
If someone mentions you in a comment, you will always find a notification under the bell-symbol (). In the app, you find the bell-symbol () on the top left side by clicking on your Profile (). Additionally, you can choose to receive push- and/ or email notifications, by following these steps:
- Click on More () next to your username
- Settings
- Notifications
- Enable or disable When someone mentions me in a comment by clicking on the phone or email icon.
If the phone or email icon is highlighted in a color, the notification is active.
- Click on Profile ()
- Settings ()
- Notifications
- Enable or disable When someone mentions me in a comment by clicking on the phone or email icon.
If the phone or email icon is highlighted in a color, the notification is active.
Someone I mentioned didn’t receive a notification
Tours and Collections have different privacy settings. If the person you mentioned doesn’t have permission to see the content where you mentioned them, they won’t receive a notification.
If you are the owner of the Tour or Collection, make sure to change the privacy settings of your content so that the person you mention has permission to see it. Learn more about the privacy settings.
I don’t want to receive a notification when someone mentions me
You can change your notification settings at any time in the profile settings:
- Click on More () next to your username
- Settings
- Notifications
- Disable When someone mentions me in a comment
If the phone or email icon is not highlighted in a color, the notification is deactivated.
- Click on Profile ()
- Settings ()
- Notifications
- Disable When someone mentions me in a comment
If the phone or email icon is not highlighted in a color, the notification is deactivated.
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