You want to edit an already existing multi-day Tour? This article describes how to do it. How to plan a multi-day Tour from scratch is explained here: Plan multi-day Tours

Open a multi-day Tour

To edit a multi-day Tour, you need to open it in your profile and open it in the multi-day planner.

  1. Click in the top right on your username
  2. My Collections
  3. Select the collection you want to edit
  4. Click on () Edit
  5. Edit itinerary

On the left you will find the individual daily stages, which you can click on and edit according to your preferences. Instructions for how to plan can be found here.

  1. Click on Profile ()
  2. My Collections
  3. Select the collection you want to edit
  4. Click on () Edit
  5. Edit itinerary

At the top of the screen you will find the individual daily stages, which you can click on and edit according to your preferences. Instructions for how to plan can be found here: Android, iOS.

Note: Moving the start or end point of a daily stage will automatically adjust the start or end point of the following stage.

Changing the number of days

To change the number of days of an already planned multi-day Tour proceed as follows:

  1. Open the multi-day Tour in the planner as described above.
  2. Click on Overview () on the left
  3. Click on edit () in the line with the calendar symbol, number of days, the length of the Tour and altitude
  4. Change the number of days using  and  symbol.
  5. Confirm by clicking Apply changes
  1. Open the multi-day Tour in the planner as described above.
  2. Click on Summary () on the top
  3. Adjust Number of Days
  4. Change the number of days using  and  symbol.
  5. Confirm by clicking Apply

Attention: Changing the number of days re-divides the Tour into the number of days you entered. If you have already adjusted the distance of the individual days, these changes will be lost.

Note: It is not possible to add another day by increasing the number of days or to remove a day by decreasing the number. The total distance will always be re-divided into the number of days you have chosen.

Add or remove a day

You want to shorten or extend your Tour by one day without losing the previous planning? At the moment it is not possible to remove or add a complete day in a multi-day Tour. We recommend the following:

Extend the Tour by one day

If you want to extend your Tour by one day, plan your daily stages normally and extend the last stage so that it includes the last two days. If you are navigating the last two days of the tour, pause the tour overnight and continue navigating the next day. 

Alternatively, you can save the last day as a normal Tour on your profile. If you later want to create a Collection of all Tour stages, you can simply include this last Tour to it. 

Shortening the Tour by one day

If you want to shorten the Tour by one day, plan the last stage as a surplus day at the end of your Tour. The day will be visible in your planned Collection, but you can later create a new Collection from the recording that contains only the relevant days. 

Shortening a stage with waypoints

If you want to shorten a stage and move its end point so far that the initial waypoints on the day's stage can no longer be reached, komoot will not automatically delete the waypoints, but will still navigate to them.

What you have to do in this case:

  1. Open the Collection via your profile

  2. Under the map, which shows the entire Tour divided into the individual daily stages, you will find each individual Tour saved. 
  3. Scroll to the corresponding day for which you want to move the start or end point so that some waypoints are no longer reached and click on View (in the web version) or Details (in the app)

  4. Scroll to the corresponding day, where you want to move the start point so that some waypoints are no longer reached and click on View (in the web version) or Details (in the app).

  5. Click on Edit Tour (in the app via the three dots at the top right).

  6. Delete the waypoints that are too many. You can read how to manage waypoints here: Web, Android, iOS

  7. Save the changes

Attention: If you select a Tour in a Collection via the Tour list in order to make a change to this stage, the start or end point of the subsequent day is not automatically adjusted in the multi-day planner. Therefore, reopen the Tour in the multi-day planner and re-establish the connection between the stages from there.

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