You can use the voice navigation for every komoot Tour that starts in a region you’ve unlocked in your account. As the komoot voice navigation uses GPS to locate you, you do not need an internet connection to receive turn-by-turn instructions. Receive notifications once you've left the Tour and choose to enable the auto replan functionality (internet required). It's up to you whether you want to follow the instructions on the screen or only use voice instructions which will save battery.

Note: Before starting a Tour, make sure to download it for offline use as described below. This will save the necessary map data on your phone and allow you to navigate offline. 

Tip: The region of the starting point must be unlocked to enable the navigation function.

Start navigation

To start the navigation of a planned Tour open the app and follow this instruction:

  1. Click on your Profile ().
  2. Tap on Planned Tours.
  3. Select the Tour you want to navigate.
  4. Toggle Store for offline use.
  5. Hit Navigation.

Instructions to start point

If you are not exactly at the starting point of your Tour — but close by — and have an internet connection, komoot will navigate you to it, directly in the app.

If the start point A is far away use the option Get directions (in the tab Waypoints > Get directions). You’ll be directed to the maps app you have installed on your phone and get directions to the start point from there. Once you've arrived at the start point A, start the navigation as described above.

Navigation features

Once you start the navigation the blue Tour line will indicate the planned route. A red line will indicate the actual travelled path. Your position is marked by the red circle and the arrowhead point in the direction of your movement.

In the upper screen section, you see your current as well as the average speed. Swiping to the right will show time and distance to the next waypoint, traveled and remaining km, time in motion and remaining, the elevation profile and current gradient as well as ascent and current altitude. Premium users additionally find the weather forecast here. 

Tapping on the arrow back () or forward () in the upper area of the screen shows upcoming and previous navigation instructions. The map will move according to these instructions as well. 

Tip: Tapping on the navigation instructions or the Tour data will enlarge it. 


Change orientation

Tapping on the map orientation icon () will align the map according to your line of sight or compass direction to determine your position. Read more about this feature here.

Hide/ Show Route

Tap and hold the eye icon () to hide the Tour line. 

Create Highlight or Report a routing issue

Tapping the thumbs up and thumbs down icon () will give you the option to create highlights or report a routing issue

Navigation instructions: Voice, notification or mute

Navigate-Android__1_.jpgSelect the speaker icon () to open the navigation instruction menu. From here you have the option to manage the voice navigation. Either choose voice, notification () or mute () in case you don't want to follow the voice turn-by-turn navigation any longer.

Note: To regulate the volume of the voice navigation use the usual volume buttons on your phone.

Auto Replan

If you deviate from the Tour line, komoot will replan if a better alternative for your selected sport was found. To enable this functionality click the speaker icon () and activate Auto Replan.

Note: Komoot can only replan the Tour with a stable internet connection.

Replan to Start

Replan a Tour while navigating

If you decide to adjust the planned route during a running navigation, for example because you want to add or remove a surrounding Highlight or POI (Point of Interest), you can do so during the navigation. In addition, you have the option to start another saved Tour during the current navigation. This article explains how to do that: Replan a Tour while navigating.

Pause: Through the GPS signal, komoot knows when you take a break. If you stop for a few seconds, the recording will be paused automatically. It will continue when komoot recognizes that you are moving again. You can also pause the Tour manually by tapping and holding STOP. To Resume Navigation manually tap the play icon (). 

Finish Navigation: After you are done with your Tour, you need to save it. To do so tap and hold STOP > Finish and Save.

Tip: While navigating, the app automatically records your Tour. If you want to continue recording after you reached the endpoint of the planned Tour, just keep on and you will find the record of the route you actually followed saved in your profile.

For Premium users

Komoot Premium Sport specific maps: Use the layer icon () to switch between different sport specific maps such as the Hiking map, Cycling map or Mountain biking map.

Live Tracking: Activate Live Tracking () to allow others to follow your location as you record your Tour. Read more about it here.

Weather: Swiping to the right in the Tour data (shown under the navigation instructions) will show the weather. Tapping on it will bring up the forecast along your Tour.

You get the option to change the sports type, tag friends you experienced the Tour with, add photos, recommend or create highlights. Once you've saved your Tour, you will also see an overview of your Tour profile. You can always access and edit it later again via your Profile () > Completed Tours as well as from the website by clicking on your username > Completed Tours. 

Tip: You want to navigate a Tour by using an external device? Check out our resources about Devices & Integrations.

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