Highlights displayed on the map
If you’ve created a Highlight and aren’t seeing it in the komoot map, this can happen for a few reasons. Here’s an overview of which Highlights get displayed on the komoot map.
Sports type
Only Highlights of the main sports types that are supported for planning get displayed on the map. This means that Highlights for the following sports types will be displayed: hiking, bike touring, mountain biking, road cycling and running. If your Highlight is of any other sports type, it will not be displayed.
Zoom level
The most popular Highlights are displayed when you’re less zoomed in, in order to avoid the map being cluttered with too many Highlights. You might need to zoom in to the furthest level to see your Highlight.
If our system doesn’t recognise any trails that could lead to the Highlight, then the Highlight won’t be displayed at all. This is because our route planner can’t identify any paths around it and won’t be able to route to it.
Not recommended
If the Highlight has a high proportion of negative ratings and hasn’t been recommended by most of the people who visited it, it will not be displayed in the map. This is because Highlights should be inspirational recommendations from other users.
Duplicate Highlights
If the same Highlight is created multiple times, the duplicates will be merged into the oldest Highlight. Only the original Highlight will then be visible on the map. Tips and photos from merged Highlights will be added to the original.
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