The Live Tracking functionality, which is only available for komoot Premium users, allows you to share your current location during a Tour. As soon as Live Tracking () is activated, your safety contacts will automatically receive a link with which they can follow your location. Furthermore, a Live Tracking link can be generated and shared as desired, i.e. also with people who do not have a komoot account. 

Note: To share your location an active internet connection is required.

Tip: More information on how to edit security contacts can be found here.

Enable and disable Live Tracking

  1. In the app, click on your Profile ()
  2. Settings ()
  3. Live Tracking
  4. Activate Live Tracking by toggle the slider

By activating Live Tracking, your safety contacts will automatically receive the link to the corresponding Tour. You can also share the Live Tracking link via the button. As soon as Live Tracking is active, the Live Tracking symbol () is displayed in blue.

Tip: Alternatively, Live Tracking can be activated and deactivated during an ongoing recording or navigation by clicking on the Live Tracking symbol ().

Which information is shared?

Anyone who has access to the Live Tracking link can view your current position on the map, the Tour status, the estimated time of arrival, the time you have been on the road, the kilometres of the planned Tour and the battery status of your phone. In addition, komoot shows the GPS data of the current position, when it was last updated and the elevation profile of the Tour. 

How long is the Live Tracking active?

The link to your current position is active for the entire duration of the Tour. As soon as the Tour ends, the Live Tracking is automatically turned off. The Live Tracking link expires after 28 days. Until then, anyone with access to the link can see your last position or where the Tour ended. After the Live Tracking link expires, all data related to this Live Tracking session will be automatically deleted.  

Live Tracking in a privacy zone

Your current position is also visible within your privacy zone.

Impact on the battery

Battery consumption is always device specific. Live Tracking increases the battery consumption by approx. 1% per hour (compared to komoot useage without Live Tracking). The biggest battery drainer is always the display. You can find more tips on how to save your battery in this article: Saving battery life

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