Connecting with SIGMA devices
If you own one of the following SIGMA devices, you have the possibility to transfer komoot Tours to them and use them for navigation. The Tour you've completed with the SIGMA device will then be automatically transferred to komoot. The connection process varies slightly depending on the device used.
For the following devices, the komoot and SIGMA accounts need to be connected:
The following devices can be connected via Bluetooth:
Note: Navigation is only possible if the corresponding region is activated in your komoot profile.
ROX 2.0, ROX 4.0, ROX 11.1 EVO and ROX 12.1 EVO
Establishing the connection
- Download the SIGMA RIDE App from the Google Play Store or the App Store.
- Pair your SIGMA ROX with the SIGMA RIDE app. Find video instructions here: ROX 2.0, ROX 4.0 and ROX 11.1 EVO
- Connect your komoot account with the SIGMA RIDE app:
- In the SIGMA RIDE app, open the "More".
- Select "Cloud & Apps".
- Select "komoot" in the Partner section.
- Log in using the email address you use with komoot. To do this, compare in the komoot app: Profile > Settings () > Profile Info.
- Agree to grant access to your komoot account.
Follow these steps in the SIGMA RIDE app on your smartphone to start navigation on your ROX.
Tip: Find a video tutorial here for ROX 2.0, ROX 4.0 and ROX 11.1 EVO
Note: You can find your komoot Tours on the ROX 2.0 and ROX 4.0 under the menu "Navigation" and on the ROX 11.1 EVO and ROX 12.1 EVO under "Tracks".
ROX 2.0, ROX 4.0, ROX 11.1 EVO and ROX 12.1 EVO
- Open the SIGMA RIDE app on your smartphone.
- From the "Ride" menu, select "Navigation" > "My Tracks" or select "Tracks" form the menu.
- Select a komoot Tour.
- Click on "Select" to transfer the track to your device or click on the three dots (...) > "Transfer track to device".
Tip: With the ROX 11.1 EVO and ROX 12.1 EVO, you can also use the star icon for transferring Tours to the device.
Note: In order to have navigation instructions displayed on the ROX, the turn-by-turn instructions must be defined as a training value via the device under "Set training views".
ROX 12.0
Establishing the connection
After the connection is established, your komoot Tours are automatically downloaded to your ROX 12.0.
- Turn on your ROX 12.0.
- Click on "komoot".
- Enter the email address of your komoot account. Compare this in the komoot app: Profile > Settings () > Profile Infos.
- Confirm by clicking Login.
- Enter your komoot password.
- Agree to grant access to your komoot account.
By clicking on "komoot" on the ROX 12.0 you will see a list of your planned Tours.
Click on the download icon next to the Tour to download it.
By opening the Tour, it will be displayed on the map.
Click "Select" and the ROX 12.0 will recalculate the komoot Tour to adjust it to the maps of the device. The Tour is now available offline on the device.
Press "Start" to begin navigation.
Tip: With the ROX 12.0, you can also use the star icon for transferring Tours to the device.
Issues on ROX 12.0
After you click on "komoot" on the ROX 12.0 to load your tours, it can happen that the message "You are offline" appears. This means that the device needs an internet connection or is currently searching for one. If the device is already connected, this message should disappear after a short time.
If you have problems with the synchronization of the Tours, you can also trigger it manually. To do this, go to your Tour list > "Settings" > "Sync Data" on the ROX.
Attention: If the Tours you planned with komoot are not visible on the SIGMA, please disconnect and reconnect your profiles the way it is explained above.
Establish Connection & Start Navigation
- Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on both the SIGMA device and the phone.
- In the komoot app on your phone, open Profile > Settings () > Bluetooth Connect.
- Select the device you want to use for navigation from the list.
- Follow the instructions to start navigation.
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