Settings on your Samsung watch
We recommend the following settings on your Samsung watch to ensure komoot runs smoothly. Some of these settings are required for certain features of the app. If they’re disabled you’ll see an error message.
Required settings
These settings have to be enabled for the komoot app to work.
- Go to Settings > Connection > Location and turn on GPS location (not only your wireless location).
- Go to Settings > Apps > Permissions > komoot and enable the “Location” toggle here too. This will give komoot permission to use your GPS location.
Recommended settings
We recommend the following settings for a smoother experience on komoot.
- Go to Settings > Display > Time limit of the display and set it to 5 minutes or longer. This allows komoot to stay open so the display is visible for a longer period of time.
- Go to Settings > Display > Show the last app and select 1 hour or longer. This means that when you’re using komoot and look at the watch, the komoot app will still be displayed rather than the default watch face.
Go to Settings > Display and select “Always on watch” to keep the app displayed at all times. This will stop the watch from turning the display off. We only recommend this if you’re using komoot for shorter routes, as it consumes battery. If you’re using your Samsung watch to navigate longer Tours and need to conserve battery life, please refer to the following article: Conserving battery on Samsung watches
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