Customizing suggested Tours from komoot
At komoot we suggest Tours in your region in the "Routes" section as single Tours or Collections. If you like a Tour, but it is not completely suitable to your needs, you have the possibility to customize it.
When you open a Tour, you can change the Tour by using the “Customize” button. You can choose between the options "Select starting point", if you only want to change the start of the Tour, and "Open in Planner" in case you want to make bigger changes. This will open the Tour in the route planner. You can also save the Tour as a planned Tour so you can access it again from your profile later.
In the apps, you can customize our suggested Tours by tapping on the three dots and selecting ‘Plan Similar Tour’. This will open the route in the planner, so you can add and remove waypoints and change your starting/end point.
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