If you want to plan a Tour or Tour segment which is not included in the route network of komoot, you can plan off-grid. Off-grid segments are routes or parts of a route that ignore known roads, streets and paths and appear as straight, dotted lines directly from one waypoint to another. 

You may want to plan an off-grid route or segment when you know there is an alternative route available that doesn’t adhere to komoot’s network of known ways. This could be a point at which you know you can safely ford a river, a direct rambling route to the summit of a mountain, or a road crossing that you know you can include in the route.

Planning off-grid 

On the web page as well as in the app, click a point on the map that you want to route to off-grid. On Android devices and on the web page, uncheck ‘Follow ways’ in the dialogue box that opens. On iOS devices, tap on ‘More Options’ after selecting a location on the map, and disable the ‘Follow Ways’ toggle. Komoot will ignore all roads, streets or paths to this point. If you want to add an off-grid waypoint, it works exactly the same. Choose a point on the map and follow the instructions above.

How to route off-grid to existing waypoints

If you already added a waypoint which is included in your Tour that follows the komoot street network, you can convert the routing of this already existing waypoint into an off-grid segment by clicking on the waypoint and disabling the ‘Follow Ways’ function. The segments of your route leading to the waypoint and away from it will then become an off-grid section.

Turn-by-turn voice navigation for off-grid sections

Komoot’s voice navigation will work as usual until you reach an off-grid segment. While you are in this segment, komoot will no longer give you voice instructions, but ask you to look at the map. Voice navigation will start again once you are back in the known route network. While off-grid you'll still be warned when you leave the Tour and a small compass visible above the map will help you confirm the direction in which you are moving. 

Information komoot can deliver about off-grid segments

Despite a segment being planned off-grid, komoot can still deliver information about this section. You will be provided with the elevation as well as the time it will take you to conclude the off-grid section predicted based on average speed of travel, altitude and topography. 

Accessibility of off-grid segments 

Komoot cannot guarantee that your off-grid segment or route is passable. Therefore, always be careful when using off-grid segments and routes.

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