No voice navigation (Android)
If you do not receive any voice instructions on your Tour, this could be caused by an upgrade of your operating system.
In this case, please reinstall Google Text-to-speech. You can find and reinstall Google text-to-speech via the Google Play Store. After installing the app, you need to activate the app in the settings of your komoot app again: Profile (Head Icon) > Settings (Cogwheel Icon) > Navigation
It might also be necessary to log out of the komoot app and in again: Profile > Settings > Log out.
Before you do this, please note down the User ID and the mail address you find under Profile > Settings > Profile info.
After logging out and in again, voice navigation should work.
With a Samsung phone, it may occur that — despite having all the correct settings enabled — voice navigation does not work. In this case, please check whether the Google text-to-speech engine or the Samsung text-to-speech engine is selected under General Management > Language and Input > Text-to-speech > Preferred Engine.
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