Request: Upload Tours and photos with wifi connection
Completed Tours and pictures get uploaded automatically, when there's any kind of internet connection. In order to save mobile data, it would be great to have the option to only upload content to komoot when there's a wifi connection.
If you take photos with the komoot app or saved a completed Tour, have an internet connection, and have given komoot access to mobile data, those photos and Tours will be uploaded immediately. While uploading Tours does not use up much data, uploading photos does tend to use more mobile data, since photos are much larger files.
Tours get uploaded immediately after they get saved on your phone so that we can ensure they're immediately accessible on our servers. Lengthening the time between Tours getting saved on your phone, without reaching our servers could mean losing Tours in the long run, which is something we'd like to avoid for all users. This is why we don't currently plan on changing how this feature works.
You have a couple of options to work around this so it doesn't use too much data and so you don't have to go through the entire Tour upload process when you're still on the go, if you don't want to.
- You can take photos with your system camera, rather than with the komoot app. This would prevent them from getting uploaded during your recording.
- When you're done, you can pause the Tour, wait until you have a wifi connection, and then end and save it. This means you can select photos, rename the Tour, rate Highlights and go through the rest of the after Tour wizard at your own pace.
Tip: You can keep up to date with all recent komoot releases by checking out this page.
Articles in this section
- Request: Additional sports types for planning (horse riding, skiing, kayaking)
- Request: Heatmap or view of personal Tours on a map
- Request: Display calories and heart rate in komoot
- Request: Tour Story on iOS
- Request: Rename waypoints
- Request: Folders to sort Tours
- Request: Sort and filter Collections in profile
- Request: Display maximum speed in completed Tours
- Request: Direct messaging
- Request: Search in a default location in Discover on web