Managing your profile visibility
You can choose between two main settings to control who can access your profile:
- Public
- Private
These settings determine what kind of information is visible to different users. Unblocked users on komoot will be able to see your username, your profile picture, your number of planned and completed Tours, and the number of users following your profile. Highlights you create are always visible regardless of your profile visibility. Setting your profile to private means that you have to approve all followers one by one before they can access any of your Tour details or information. You won’t be able to share your Tours and Collections with people who don’t follow you. Setting your profile to public means that other komoot users can follow you freely, without you approving them.
You can always change the visibility of certain Tours and/or Collections, irrespective of your profile settings. More information about that can be found here:Controlling who sees your Tours
Changing your profile visibility
You can set your profile to private or to public by going to Profile > Settings (cogwheel icon) > Privacy > Account privacy on our mobile apps or clicking the three dots on the top right, Settings > Privacy on our website.
Changing your profile visibility will not affect current followers.
Hiding your profile from search results
Your profile can generally be found via the search bar on the Find Friends page. Here, you can search for specific people on komoot using either usernames or email addresses. Only usernames will be shown to other users—your actual name will never be made public (unless you use your actual name in your username).
If you want to keep your profile hidden from search results, you can change this by going to Profile > Settings (cogwheel icon) > Privacy > “Hide me from search” (on our app) or clicking the three dots on the top right, Settings > Privacy on our website.
Hiding yourself from search results will mean that your profile won’t show up when other komoot users search for your username or email address. Your profile will still be visible in the community feed when you’re tagged in Tours, however. Removing your profile from search results does not make your profile private. You won’t lose any of your current followers and they’ll still be able to see all of the information they could see before.
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