Redeem vouchers and unlock regions
There are different komoot vouchers. You can get them through our friends referral or through promotions from our partners, gains at events and other special promotions. The respective promotion will tell you which product you can unlock with it, either a Single region, a Region package, the World Pack or Premium.
When redeeming the voucher, pay attention to whether it is only for new users and whether an expiry date is mentioned.
Note: There are two types of region vouchers. One allows you to choose your desired region while the other has the region pre-defined.
Redeem a voucher
Vouchers can only be redeemed via the komoot website. You cannot do this in the app. Please follow the instructions for the website.
- Log in to your account
- Go to
- Enter your voucher code
- Click Redeem
The voucher code is saved in your account now.
Note: The redeemed voucher is also valid in the app. Please make sure you are logged in to the same account.
Due to Play Store and App Store regulations, it is not possible to redeem komoot vouchers in the app. Please follow the instructions for the website.
Unlock a region
After you have successfully redeemed the voucher, you can unlock a region straight away or do this at a later stage. If you have redeemed a voucher for the World Pack, you have access to all available regions directly.
Unlock a Single region
After the voucher has been redeemed, you can access the region area by clicking on Select a region.
Enter the location (e.g. starting point of the tour) that you want to unlock in the search field. On the right side you will find the corresponding region. Confirm the selection of the region with Unlock Now.
Unlock a Region bundle
After the voucher has been redeemed, you can access the region area by clicking on Select a region bundle.
Enter the location of a region you want to unlock in the search field. On the right side you will find the priced Single region and underneath the free Region bundle. Select the Region bundle and confirm your selection with Unlock Now.
Note: Some vouchers unlock specific regions. We will indicate which region has been unlocked directly after the redemption.
Unlock Premium
Premium vouchers can only be redeemed if Premium is not already active in your account. If you already have a current subscription, you have to deactivate the automatic renewal first. The voucher code can only be used once the subscription has expired.
Friends referral
If you have been invited to komoot by a friend, you will receive an email, through which you can redeem the Region bundle. The voucher will be automatically added to your account and you can directly choose a region. The voucher is only valid for new customers.
Vouchers for new users
You are considered as a new user only in the first days after registering your account. Even if you have not purchased or activated anything yet, you are no longer considered a new user after one week. Additionally, the account must also have been created due to the voucher promotion.
Redeemed, not yet unlocked vouchers
If a voucher for a Single region or a Region bundle is saved in your account, but you haven't unlocked the region yet, we will automatically show you the region you need for your next Tour (which is in an unlocked region) when you make it available offline or start the navigation. This way you always unlock the right region.
Which regions are unlocked in my account?
You can view which regions have been unlocked in your profile settings via More () > Settings > komoot Maps or in the region area.
Click on More () and select Unlocked packages.
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