Manage notifications
According to your notification settings, komoot sends the activated notification either by email or by push notification to your cell phone. You can tell if a particular notification is active if it is highlighted in color. This article explains how to enable or disable notifications and what the purpose of each notification is.
Note: How to unsubscribe from the komoot newsletter or the weekly highlight recommendations can be found here.
Edit notifications
You can recognize if a particular notification is active if it is highlighted in color. By clicking on the phone () or email-icon () you will subscribe or unsubscribe from the particular notification.
Click More () next to your username
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What triggers the notification?
Notification |
Trigger |
Someone comments on your Tour or Collection
You will be notified when another user comments on your Tour or Collection. We bundle these notifications and send them at most every 2 hours. |
Your Facebook friend joins komoot | To receive this notification, your komoot account must be connected to Facebook. |
Someone follows you | You will be notified as soon as another user follows you. |
Someone likes your Tour or Collection | As soon as someone "likes" () one of your Tours or Collections, you will get a notification. |
Someone you follow completes a Tour |
You will only get bundled notifications about completed tours from users you follow if you haven't looked at your Discover feed in the last 24h. Otherwise, the assumption is that you've already seen the Tours and don't need to get notified about them separately. Completed Tours from users you follow, who also follow you and who are in your close friends list will trigger the bundled notification immediately, without considering the 24 rule. Note: If the Discover feed is not yet available in your country, you will receive notifications about each completed Tour, from users you follow. |
Someone recommends your Highlight |
If a user up-votes your highlight, you will be informed about it. |
Someone shares a tip for your Highlight | We will inform you as soon as a user has created a tip for a highlight you have created. |
Highlight recommendations in your region | Activate or deactivate the Highlight and Tour recommendations that we send out weekly. More information can be found here: Weekly highlight tips. |
Advice to improve your Tours and Highlights | After completing a Tour you will receive an email with tips on how to upload picture or eg. create Highlight. |
Someone invites or tags you on a Tour |
You will be notified when a user invites you to a Tour or marks you as a participant afterwards.
Updates about your Expert or Pioneer status |
Provided you are participating in the Pioneer program, you will be notified when you become a Pioneer in a particular region or are promoted from that position. Currently, there are no notifications for becoming an Expert. |
Someone accepts your follow request | Be notified when another user has accepted your request to follow their profile. |
You block or unblock someone | We will notify you if you block a user. This setting also applies if you no longer block the user, so you will also receive a notification. |
You change your profile privacy settings | Receive a notification as soon as you change your privacy setting. |
Updates about someone for whom you're a safety contact | Sends a notification when someone you are a safety contact for starts a Tour, as well as when it ends. |
Someone mentions you in a comment | As soon as you are mentioned or tagged in a comment, you will receive a notification. |
Inspiration and motivation picked just for you | Customized push notifications for your upcoming adventure or simply some motivational encouragement to step outside and explore. |
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