• Your planned or completed Tours are no longer in your account?
  • You purchased regions (Single Region, Region Bundle or the World Pack) or komoot Premium, but have no access to it?
  • When downloading a Tour or starting a navigation you are asked to purchase a product, even though you have already done so?

Then you are logged in to a different account than the one you used to make the purchase. We do not remove purchases or content from accounts. We will be happy to help you find the right account.

Note: To ensure synchronization between your devices and the website, you must be logged in with the same mail address on all devices. 

If you have access to your content through the website or the komoot app on another device, check out this article that explains how to sync your account. If you can't find your purchases through the website or another device, we'll need more payment information to find your account containing the unlocked products. Please send us one of the following information, depending on your used payment method, to our support team.

Did you make the purchase through the komoot website or the komoot app?

Tip: After the purchase you have received a confirmation mail from komoot. Compare the email address from this mail with your profile information.

Send us the Customer ID from the komoot receipt you received by mail after payment. If you do not have it anymore:

Credit card

Provide the date of purchase, the last 4 digits of your credit card as well as the expiration date of the card.


Send us your PayPal mail address and the PayPal transaction number.

Attention: If the recipient of the payment is not komoot, but Google or Apple, please follow the instructions for payments via the app.

Google PlayStore

If you made the purchase through the komoot Android app in the PlayStore, send us the order number, which has this format: GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567.

An overview of your purchases and payments made in the Google PlayStore can be found here: https://pay.google.com/payments/.

Select the corresponding payment and open the details. This article explains it in detail.

Attention: Make sure you are logged in with the Google account you purchased the product with.

Apple AppStore

If you might have used the Apple login in the past – instead of logging in with the mail address – please log out and then log in again by tapping on the apple icon (); instead of entering your mail address.

To transfer your purchases from another komoot account, follow these steps: Profile () > Settings () > Restore Purchases. Log in to the iTunes Store with your AppleID and confirm the process.

Note: This will not grant access to saved Tours in another account. Only purchased regions will be transferred to the current account. It is not possible to transfer Premium to another account.

Tip: If you log in to komoot with the Apple login and select the option to keep your email address private, it will be sent to us anonymously and in the background another anonymous account is created. To find it, please search your inbox and SPAM folder for an email address consisting of a combination of letters and numbers ending with @privaterelay.appleid.com.

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