Connecting komoot to Flyer ebike
You have the possibility to use komoot in combination with your Flyer ebike via a Bluetooth connection. This way you will be able to receive information like turn by turn navigation and street names on your Fyler Display during your komoot Tour. This connection is available for Display D1.
Setting up the connection
Go to your profile in the komoot app. Then select settings all the way up on the screen (the small cogwheel). Afterwards you choose “Bluetooth Connect” and select “Flyer E-bike”. The Bluetooth connection on your phone has to be activated.
In the next step you go to the “Connectivity” submenu in the settings menu on your Flyer ebike D1 display. There you choose “Navigation” and then “pair with komoot”. The komoot app must be open on your smartphone and the connection activated. The Flyer display will then search for your smartphone and also in the komoot app it will be displayed that the app is looking for bluetooth devices. As soon as the smartphone is found select it and give permission to connect to establish the connection. Once you are connected you can select your komoot Tour on the Flyer Display and start navigating.
Please be aware that it is not possible to establish a connection with the Samsung S7 Edge, because of its bluetooth chip.
Starting the navigation
To start the navigation, go back to the menu point “Connectivity” again and choose “Navigation”. There you choose “Navigation On/ Off” and then “Navigation On”. Afterwards you start the navigation of h´your desired Tour in your komoot app. On the Display 1 you will now see street names as well as turn by turn instructions. Be aware that no Tours will be transferred between your Display 1 and komoot, which means that you always need to bring along your phone on your Tours and keep the Bluetooth connection active.
World Pack voucher
If you use the FIT D1 Display, you will receive a voucher for the komoot world pack when you purchase a Flyer ebike. To receive the voucher code, go to and register your ebike there. Afterwards you will receive a voucher code via email, which you can then redeem on the komoot webpage. How to redeem a voucher on komoot, you can read here: Vouchers.
Contacting Support
The integration with the Flyer ebike is developed by Flyer directly. If you run into any problems with the above, please feel free to contact them via their service provider Mila using this link.
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